Sunday, 21 July 2013


Found this under a lot of other clothes I sorted out.

Okay.. I got A LOT of free drinks while wearing this... I never payed anything at parties. Really NEVER.
The guys were idiots... but hey free drinks. ;)

I'm 16 in this picture.... ooohh how could I?!

The saddest thing about it is... I always tended to be metal or goth, BUT I was very insecure in that time. As I am very shy I always find it hard to make friends... and often I had no friends because people thought I was strange. So I tried to be one of them to be accepted. It worked... somehow... Some people accepted me suddenly. But to the most others I was still strange.

I really tried EVERYTHING to be like "them". I even remember that I once hopped on a chair and screamed like a f*cking pussy, when a mouse came into our classroom. I am not afraid of anything besides spiders (only when they are indoors), but I did it just because the other girls did. I don't wanted to look unfeminine. The poor mouse must have been much more scared than anyone else in the room...
You see I tried everything... from the clothes to the behavior, found some new friends, wasn't happy anyway, found out that they only used me, thought f*ck it. I wasn't like others at my age, I was more mature, interested in different things. So I began to find out who I am. 
I had a lot of different styles... I even had pink (plastic) fur boots, completely pink clothes, f*cking Hello Kitty ALL OVER EVERYTHING! ... or that fail on the pictures.

For me it was a LONG, BLOODY way to become a real goth. But I found out that it was what I really am... how I feel best about myself.
Lost a lot of false friends through that. Found real friends, who are much more fun...

Don't listen to others, just be yourself, who you are and what you are. Even if it hurts you. In the end you will be much happier! (Most parents will nag about it, but in the end they'll accept it! Trust me!)

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

My poor head =(

The whole weight loss process is giving me headaches! As if it wasn't hard enough to do sport every day and change your way of eating... This is so bad. The cakes second revenge!

I don't even fit in my catsuit any more! So it was time to change something. I don't like myself the way I am now. I sucks now but I will be much happier later.

Sunday, 14 July 2013

New Name

I think you noticed it... I changed my Name. I think this one fits much better.
I will get a new domain next week.

Hope you like it!

Lazy, Lazy Weekend

This weekend I did nearly nothing. I only changed my hair colour, but that isn't very special as I do it very often! I'll show you some photos within next week.
But I changed my whole weekend with my very favourite person! <3

Now it's time to do some sport. I don't want to, but I have to! =(
It isn't that easy to stay in shape... even as a vegan!

From next week I will also share some of my favourite, low GI, vegan recipes with you. I gets boring to do the whole, weight loss thing alone!
No more cake and sweets for me... my darling will be the only thing I will be allowed to bite in the next time. But I can live with that =)


Black Weapony

Monday, 8 July 2013

Too hot...

Oh how I dislike the summer! I can't say hate as it also has good sides as the ground is dry and not icy, I don't slip with my high platform boots... but on the other side it is too hot for boots. I don't like flat shoes, they are boring!
And it is sunny all day! I want my skin as pale as possible and stay in the house all day isn't fun too.
You see, first world goth girl problems. ;)

Despite the fear of getting tanned, I had a woderful weekend with my very favourite person.
We went to the cinema and watched Despicable Me 2. Oh how I love cute movies like that!
I even went rollerblading (with SPF 50+ on).

Hopefully it will be colder the next days... and less sunny.
I hope you had a great weekend, too.


Black Weapony

Friday, 5 July 2013

My head looks funny :)

Haha! Today I removed my braided-in dreads. Now I look like a clown... I don't really like clowns! They scare me!
I will have to recolour my hair within the next days... it looks like shit! But having it braided into dreads made it very soft <3 I think I will do that more often.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Vegan Cake

I was bored yesterday so I made my first vegan Cake! It's chocolate-marzipan-"butter"cream. I used more than 2 kilos of sugar to make it. But it tastes sooo good!I doesn't look as good as it could. But I think it is okay for my first try =)

I found no vegan food dye in our local supermarkets so I just made it with cacao. (Who the hell wants lice in his food?!)


Black Weapony